Requests over the internet
There are only two requests and two responses in this event. It all starts with the click on "PerformanceTest" and then your request 1 is created.
The request 1 is just "GET /PerformanceTest.html HTTP/1.1". And this request is transported to the server.
The response 1 is most of this page. Not all of it is static. The values indicated by the blue arrows are dynamic, they are filled in at server side.
Requests over the internet
The reponse 1 containts a unqiue javascript indicated to be used. The browser see this and then creates request 2.
The javascript to be used is at line 10 in the html file.
The request 2 is just "GET /DateTimeT029R000000001.js HTTP/1.1".
The unique javascript declaration statement looks like:
[script runat="server" src="" visible="true"][/script
The response 2 looks like:
Requests over the internet
The value 52178.985 is the time in seconds from the starting of the day.
The browser now has the unique javascript and runs it. This results in the setting of field "nameTime2". This is the ending time.
The browser now runs an other javascript. (SetJSName()) This results in the calculation of the difference between the starting time and the ending time.
The difference is then filled in, in the difference field.
If you are 50 km a way from The Hague then the distance traveled by the message is, 2 times 50, is a 100 km.
This is done in about 0.1 second. So the velocity of the message is 1000 km/sec.
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