Stefan Boersen

Stefan Boersen CV Download


Mar 2024 – Jun 2024

Idemia is a company that produces identity documents. Stefan worked in the testing department. He has worked on automated testing, and he has worked on manual testing.

●Tools: Python, Behave, Jira, Microsoft SQL Server.




Jan 2022 – Dec 2023 Software developer C++,Paradigm

Paradigm is a company in the oil and gas industry. They provide their customers with tools to get the most out of the well. The tools send the information to the surface to be processed. Stefan worked on programs that process the information. The software is written in c++ . Stefan solved bugs, developed new features and made test scripts. Stefan integrated the test scripts into Microsoft Azure.

●Tools: Qt C++, Qt 5 32bit, Qt 6 64bit, SQL, Microsoft Azure.



Havenbedrijf Rotterdam - Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine

Nov 2019 – Dec 2021 Linux Administrator, Software Developer Port of Rotterdam

Stefan has worked at the Port of Rotterdam. The Port of Rotterdam has a Linux environment for its cameras and radars. This Linux infrastructure was monitored with scripts and software. The software was written in bash, python and ansi C. There were some 21 scripts. Stefan has changed and managed the software.

●Tools: Ansi C , Bash en Linux.




Sep 2017 – Sep 2019 Performance tester Sogeti

CAK, Ictu, Philips, Volkswagen

Stefan has worked on 4 projects in his Sogeti time. At hetCAK he worked with the anonymization tool from DatProf. He mainly made SQL scripts, but he also worked with Microsoft C#. Stefan did C# at Ictu. At Philips and Volkswagen he used Jmeter for a performance test.

●Tools: Oracle and Microsoft SQL, C# en Jmeter.




Sep 2015 – Sep 2017 Programmeur C++ Centric


Centric is a large ICT company. The department where Stefan worked was called Key2DocumentCreatie. This department creates software that produces documents. Documents like doc, pdf, html and rtf. Information out of a database was placed on a letter template. This was done by a internal web server written in C++. The internal web server was called BriefServer. The BriefServer is a Microsoft service that can accept commands from the network. Its code is based on Microsoft Casablanca and is written in C ++. Stefan has built in new functionality and he has solved bugs. For organizing the templates, Stefan has worked on a C# program that creates and customizes these templates. Stefan has also worked on a C # program that checks and reorganizes the rtf's.

●Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, SQL, C++, C# and ODBC.




Sep 2014 – Sep 2015 C, C++ Programmeur Vigilance


Vigilance is a defence company with solutions and projects in video processing. Information is gathered from video streams and processed for several purposes. The idea was to create a tool that could display 10 video streams with data and display the data on an open source map. Isa stands for information situation awareness.

●Tools: Qt, Microsoft Visual Studio, MFC, C++.



Sep 2013 – Sep 2014 Programmeur C++, C# CGI

Serveral projects

Stefan has done some in house projects during this period. He has made some CUDA C++ code to get familiar with the new parallel programming of NVIDIA. He has worked with the LinkenId api with C# 4.5 and connected the result with SQL to a access database. Stefan has made a program in C# 4.5 to investigate the difference between the Microsoft 2010 sql database and the Microsoft 2012 sql database. Stefan has made some webpages with JavaScript and JQuery. He has worked two months on simulation software in C++. Stefan has done a performance test with Jmeter

●Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2012.

●Aspects of the tool used: Parallel programming, DataSql 2010 dbscema, Sql 2012 dacpac, Jmeter.

●Language: C++,C#, SQL, JavaScript.




aug 2011 – aug 2013 Developer Microsoft C++,C Ymor


Stefan Boersen was responsible for the client side of a botnet. The client side of the botnet was called YmorAgent. The software was developed in-house by Stefan in Microsoft C++ and has replaced Hp SiteScope. Stefan developed the web server and the scripts used to monitor the systems. During this project Stefan overcame challenges with performance with regards to sockets and web services. The software reports about the stability of customer systems. Stefan has made the software with the requested stability and has done this under strict deadlines. The software is used by some 40 consultants.

●Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

●Aspects of the tool used: Microsoft Foundation Classes, WSDL, HTML, CSS, Multi-threaded applications, parallel programming.

●Language: C++, C#, JavaScript, Jscript.




dec 2007 – aug 2011 Developer ansi C Ymor

Scripting and performance testing

Monitoring system software and performance testing is done with scripts. Ymor is doing this for several customers. Stefan has made several scripts in different languages. Most of the scripting was done with Hp Loadrunner. Nearly all of the scripts were in ANSI C. Stefan Boersen has been Hp loadrunner performance tester at ING for one year.

●Tools: Hp loadrunner, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, Autohotkey, Jakarta Jmeter, Qtp, Silkperformer, Neoload.

●Aspects of the tool used: WSDL, DLL’s, ATL.

●Language: C++,Ansi C , C#, JavaScript, Jscript.




dec 2005 – dec 2007 Developer C,C++,C# Fenestrae

Fenestrae Communication Server

The main product of Fenestrae is the Fenestrae communication server. The Fenestrae communication server sends out fax’s. The software is completely written in C++. During this project Stefan was responsible for the maintenance and new developments of the application in C#. Stefan also worked on a printer driver.

●Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

●Aspects of the tool used: WSDL, Microsoft .NET, Ajax, LDAP, Active Directory, DLL’s, ATL, GUI design, Multi-threaded applications, parallel programming.

●Language: C++, C#, JavaScript, Jscript.




dec 2003 – dec 2005 Developer C# Kpn conferencing


KPN conferencing has a website for booking telephone conferences. This website was only accessible by an operator. Opgui stands for the OPerator Graphical User Interface. Stefan has written this website. The website was written in Microsoft C# and the data were stored in a Microsoft SQL database.

●Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2003.

●Aspects of the tool used: WSDL, MVC, ASP.NET.

●Language: C#, SQL, JavaScript, Jscript.




aug 1999 – dec 2003 Developer Microsoft C++ Euronext


Switch was the stock option exchange system of Euronext before the takeover of Liffe. Stefan has made Microsoft C++ code used by QARun. QARun is a script runner from the company Compuware. Stefan was part of a team of 14 testers. The testers were responsible for the functionality inside the scripts. The tests were set up according to the CGI testframe model. There were action- or keywords that could be used and reused in Microsoft excel spreadsheets. The Excel spreadsheets were using macros and Microsoft Visual Basic VB.

●Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual Studio 6.0 editie, QARun.

●Aspects of the tool used: DLL’s, ATL, GUI design, UML.

●Language: C++, VB, VBA.



Cuperus Consultants

aug 1997 – aug 1999 Developer C++ Kpn

Kpn Tekstberichten

Kpn text messaging software is a product that works through analog communication with analog modems. The Internet was not yet common. Stefan Boersen has made Kpn text messaging software 4.0. The C++ software works through a RS232 port. The software could set bytes on a port. The software worked with 8 types of telephone services on 8 different telephone numbers. You must think of beepers, buzzers, travel text and sms services centers. The software was available without costs from the Primafoon shop of KPN. He went to the KPN store to pick up his own software.

●Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual Studio 6.0 editie 98.

●Aspects of the tool used: DLL’s, ATL, GUI design.

●Language: C++.